We lost our husband and father… We are losing our family home. Please pray, help, and share.

Looking for a miracle. And looking to Community Christians for help. It seems we have an emergency concerning our East Otto home. Khalas is the owner now. He’s been repairing it. New roof. Clean up etc. I told him of the prophesy over it. Which was to be “self sufficient, and a haven to many. In this spirit he has committed his heart and talents to the property becoming just that. A Haven. The idea is to use it for churches, youth groups, camping, services and the like. So we are putting this in Gods hands again. We need a miracle. He went to work on it today and there was a no trespassing sign and pending auction. He has until wed. 10 am to pay back taxes. Is there anyway that the church can help? Khalas is willing to do roofing, home renovation etc in return for any help if near 14120. I am willing to design or contibute my artistry and Coaching skills as well. I work with cancer patients and there families, including widows. also after completed renovation it will be open to local churches for events, services etc. Prayers and any blessings would be much appreciated. We are banding together to raise this money as a group. Kevins vision was to help teens and young adults . Thank you for your consideration . Blessings, Julia

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